Wednesday, November 10, 2010

daddie just bought a brand new car....

ok so yesterday Lacia and I were eating lunch watching My Super Sweet 16...  Or whatever its called. Its the t.v. show on MTV about 16 yr old kids planning the most bomb'n, sweetest, bestest most expensive birthday parties.   This show is ridiculous to the max!  These kids take over they dont care how much money they spend. What matters is if they have the best party ever!  They go all out, personal party planners, personal stylist, inviting the whole school to the party, oh and the best part the icing on the cake they get a car.  Oh no not your typical first car for a 16yr old.  NO No they are to pretty for that. No they ask daddie for a Mercedes, Range Rover, Ferrari,Lamborgini.  haha my first car maybe cost as much as one of those leather seats in those cars.  I just think that is uncalled for for someone that young their car to be something that expensive and nice.  I mean lets think about it.... whats going to happen to that car in about a week?  oh i know !   daddie little girl is going to smash it into the back of someone driving down state street. and it wont be her fault either.  I just think that giving a car like that and a party where your cake is cover in pure gold frosting is CRAZY !  Your giving your kids the wrong idea about life and what they expect from it.  I think its fine to have a party, yes please lets party i love party.  But lets be real people...... any who  thats my thought xoxo

Friday, November 5, 2010

chocolate chip cookie disaster

chocolate cookie Disaster!!!
I am so sad are you ready for a sad sad story....?  Okay so I all week long  I have not wanted to really work out, I just dont have the energy for some strange reason.  So today I skipped the gym and decieded not to go, (well real reason is brittany forgot to bring her swimsuit so we could not do laps and all i brought were my fatpants mens sweats to work.) So i went home thinking maybe later i would go to yoga.  Well instead i got the urge to make cookies!!! ive been craving them lately and to be plain honest i think my period is going to start because im constantly munching on something need something in my mouth.    So  krys was watching t.v. i thought i would make cookies.  Now i dont mean to brag or anything at all but im just saying.  My cookies are some of the best things ever! im really good at it and i just enjoy it, but let me tell you i cant bake anything else that good, i promise ive tried.   So back to my cookies,  I use the toll house cookies coco chips and normal flour , baking soda and salt, plus sugar, brown suger and vanilla and eggs.  so then i combined everything together, blended and all, mixed in the chocolate chips and made sure the oven had heated up to 350 degrees.  I then scooped the cookie dough onto the tray and POPPED them in the oven for roughly 14 mins, i just watch until they are golden brown then i take them out.   So I did exactly that same thing i always do. 14 mins go by i take my cookies out, so freakin excited to eat them i cant even hardly resist.  And wait something is wrong, they are the right color but way to puffy...... what did i do? i scrapped them off the cookie sheet and onto a plate. Let them cool down a bit and pulled one apart.   They were so strange, they did not even taste good.   I was heartbroken my cookies i wanted so bad.  I could not even eat them. sad sad sad i want to cry so hard.   I have never messed up on them before i read and reread all the ingrediants and instructions i did not miss a thing i know it by heart.   So i sat there and forced myself to eat one. Tasted to me as if i put to much flour in or not enough of anything else.  I also think it make a difference what type of butter you use.  i used a soften in a tube i cant belive its not  butter, because that is all we have,  no sticks and i think that matters.  So sadly i had to through alot away today all the dough and 12 cookies that cant be eaten.  So I did not get my cookies and I was sad so i just went to bed and had to force myself to eat food.  Well its not the end of the world there will be other chances to make cookies again and again and again.  so in the future i will not mess up again,I think i have learned my lesson.  Take things slow and right and you will have good outcomes.  
Til next time much love xoxo